The same culture she looked to for protection, turned around and consumed her. Bit by bit it took until she had nothing left. Yet she still smiled like she owned acres of maize fields!
Born in the village of Matombo, Lwezi finds herself questioning the traditions and culture which seem to favour men at the detriment of women. Girls are excluded from school and are groomed for marriage from a very young age. Women are seen as sub humans who are born to serve men. At initiation school, as she prepares for her transition from childhood to womanhood, Lwezi makes a thoughtless sacrifice in an attempt to save her friend. She’s taken to Chief Nxumalo’s homestead to answer for her crime in front of the Dale (Gathering of elders). Circumstances take an unexpected twist and she finds herself tangled deeper into the Nxumalo web of secrets.This book delves deep into traditions, rituals and cultures of the chiefdom of Matombo, a fictional village set up in Zimbabwe. The cultures described are borrowed from various past and present rural Zimbabwean practices. Themes of patriarchy, chieftancy, initiation of girls into womanhood, child marriages, burial rites, reverence of ancestors as well as the role of sangomas (Seers) are addressed. The book further introduces a village girl to the city, exposing her to a different world of freedom, feminism, rights, education, clubs, child headed families and privileges.