For anyone who has ever wanted a puppy, the DOG DIARIES series tells a dog’s story in a new way–from a dog’s point of view! Focusing on a different breed for each book, these stories are based on true dog stories or on true-to-life situations. With realistic black-and-white illustrations by renowned illustrator Tim Jessel and a factual appendix, dog-loving early chapter book readers will beg for more!
Born in a puppy mill, Ginger the golden retriever looks back on her life and the various people who have owned her. Abruptly separated from her mother, littermates, and the wire cage that was her whole world, Ginger is shuttled from one harrowing situation to another until she finally escapes, living as an outlaw with a pack of wild dogs. But freedom doesn’t feel so good once she becomes hungry and cold and sick. Will Ginger ever find a furever family to call her own?
Appendix features information about puppy mills, breed rescue groups, animal shelters, choosing a pet, and the history of golden retrievers.